Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why students should blog

An excellent post today over at the Mindshift  blog discusses why it is important for students to blog.
Here is the list the author created:
  • Create positive digital footprints
  • Communicate with digital tools
  • Transparency
  • New ways of thinking about digital tools
  • Effective digital citizenship
  • [Public] pride in work [Sharing with colleagues]

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hello from Rob

I am looking forward to interacting with Dr. Buster, Dr. Wise and all of the students in this course.  I recently completed my doctorate at CSU Fresno. While in the doctoral program, I knew I would be doing something else outside of a school district.  So, this is one of my first "jobs" since retiring as an online school principal in Clovis Unified. I am working as an online learning coach with a variety of professors in the Kremen School of Education doctoral and MA program as they move their face-to-face courses online. 


Hello, I am pleased to work with Dr. Wise and Dr. Darrow on this new pedagogy.


I'm looking forward to this final course in the program. In my experience as a former school teacher and leader and now professor and leadership coach, I've found educational leadership to be incredibly dynamic. Our goal is to create a dynamic learning environment to help you make the next step.